16 inch, 18 inch and 20 inch violas

A customer brought in his 18” viola made by Russell Coe viola (nicknamed Clifford) for adjustment along with a 20” viola made by Anne Cole. We put it next to one of our large-body 16” violas for comparison. These are, without question, the two biggest violas we have ever seen!

While we do offer a variety of different sizes and shapes, we do not sell instruments that big. We offer violas up to 16.5″ in a variety of different traditional an non-traditional patters including Tertis, Erdesz, Amati, Maggini, Ornati and some original designs by modern American makers.

Violas are the most diverse instrument category and therefore the most interesting to make and seutp. When you ask violists what a perfect viola should sound like you get more variety and diversity to the answers than any other instrument we encounter which makes life much more interesting. I (Daniel Muni) am primarily a violist and love working (and joking) with fellow violists.